
As the warm weather transitions to a cool breeze, wedding season starts to die down. This past summer was a whirlwind of love, happiness, and celebration for me in many ways. While I was able to build some amazing relationships with new clients, new photographers, and coordinators, I was also blessed with the opportunity to be there for a friend this wedding season. A friend who I have always considered a sister, but now it's more true than ever.

I am honored by any woman who chooses to have me at her side during her special day. She has so much to think about that morning, so many details are racing through her head. Did the flowers arrive? I haven't memorized my vows yet... Wow, today is the day my life changes. The last thing she needs to worry about is if her eyelashes are going to be uncomfortable, or if her makeup is going to smudge when she tears up... that's my issue and burden to bear for her

Photography by Taken by Light

Makeup application is normally the bride's last task before stepping into her dress, and that last hour is normally the most emotional for her. I'm not going to lie, it's a pretty emotional moment for me too. The intimacy between the bride and her makeup artist is very unique. Trust has been built, and she has faith in me to make her feel like the prettiest girl on earth that day. She feels comfortable enough to let a few tears slip out and tell me what she's thinking before we start her foundation... While my job is to apply her makeup, I've learned over the years that my first priority is to listen to her. Even when she is not speaking. Sometimes her body language is saying more than ever when she is quiet. Because we are so close at this moment, I need to pamper her so she feels calm and at peace with everything going on around her. 

This level of intimacy that I am describing can really strengthen any relationship whether it's new or old, and I thank God that I am able to be present in the bridal room with strangers and with friends to create such wonderful and close friendships.

Priscilla Francine